Features | Editorial | 11 Mins Read | by AG Latto
Many thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in this website. It is a project that I hope is able to add value. Fund Hunter doesn’t seek to be clever, it only seek to be rational.
Those who seek to be clever in the investment world generally end up being too clever by half.
It has certainly been an interesting year. I hope readers had an enjoyable 2019. The past 12 months bring to mind the Chinese curse:
May you live in interesting times.
We can also think of British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s famous quote. When asked what was most likely to knock his government off course, he replied:
Events dear boy, events.
We have been living in interesting times with lots of events. But this is not unusual. Complaining about volatility and uncertainty makes little sense.
Sailors don’t complain about storms because storms are a given. They erupt out of clear blue skies and open seas. Sailors rely on sturdy vessels to pull through.
Investors will be unhindered if they are also in a good boat. Seeking a good boat is what counts.